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CONTROL4 named as leading whole-house automation brand in CE Pro brand analysis

Writer's picture: greg2950greg2950

LUXAVO are proud platinum authorised dealers for Control4 integrated control systems.

Home Automation is about making life simpler, not more complicated, by giving you control of the features around your home or business with the touch of a button. It provides improved convenience, comfort and energy efficiency, combining items such as heating, lighting, music and alarms into one easy to use interface.

The popularity of home automation has been increasing greatly in recent years due to much higher affordability and simplicity of use through smartphone and tablet connectivity. LUXAVO have established strong relationships with market leaders such as Control 4, ensuring we have the latest and most up to date products available to us in order to fully personalise your bespoke Home Automation System. LUXAVO will create a flexible and affordable system, giving you the tools you need to experience the ultimate in Home Automation comfort and convenience.

Luxavo, Smarthome, Smarthomes, Smart Home, Smart Homes, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Building, Premium AV, Home Theatre, Home Automation, Integrated Control Systems, Home Security, Lighting, Lighting Control Systems, Smart Heating, Smart TV, Smart Audio, Philips, Philips dynalite, Smart wires, Smart wiring, Wi-Fi my home, Control your home, Home automation,  Lutron lighting, Cedia registered, Cedia approved, Assisted living technology, Future Homes cork, Future control, Control4, Crestron, Asset management, Collaborative Environments, Huddle Spaces, Room Scheduling, Industrial Lighting Management, NOC rooms, Oil & gas collaboration, Video conferencing , Audio conferring, Microsoft embedded controls, Campus asset scheduling, Youth learning centers, White boards, Financial Company collaboration rooms, Boardrooms, Further education presentation systems, Home scheduling or lighting and security, Cloud automation services, Leisure Center control systems, Sports, Marine Fit-out
Experience the ultimate in Home Automation comfort and convenience with Control4 by LUXAVO.

Control4, a global provider of smart home solutions, was named the top home automation provider in seven of the 2018 CE Pro Brand Analysis categories and secured its ranking as the Brand Leader in Whole-House Automation for a fourth consecutive year.

Control4 continues to dominate the custom home technology market by developing best-in-class solutions that integrators can scale and homeowners can personalise to meet a variety of needs and desires.

Control4 brands top seven of the 2018 CE Pro Brand Analysis categories:

  1. Whole-House Automation (Control4)

  2. Access Control (Control4)

  3. HVAC/Thermostat/Energy Management (Control4)

  4. Video Distribution Switchers/Extenders (Control4)

  5. Audio Amplifiers (Triad)

  6. Multiroom A/V Systems (Triad)

  7. Networking (Pakedge)

Luxavo, Smarthome, Smarthomes, Smart Home, Smart Homes, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Building, Premium AV, Home Theatre, Home Automation, Integrated Control Systems, Home Security, Lighting, Lighting Control Systems, Smart Heating, Smart TV, Smart Audio, Philips, Philips dynalite, Smart wires, Smart wiring, Wi-Fi my home, Control your home, Home automation,  Lutron lighting, Cedia registered, Cedia approved, Assisted living technology, Future Homes cork, Future control, Control4, Crestron, Asset management, Collaborative Environments, Huddle Spaces, Room Scheduling, Industrial Lighting Management, NOC rooms, Oil & gas collaboration, Video conferencing , Audio conferring, Microsoft embedded controls, Campus asset scheduling, Youth learning centers, White boards, Financial Company collaboration rooms, Boardrooms, Further education presentation systems, Home scheduling or lighting and security, Cloud automation services, Leisure Center control systems, Sports, Marine Fit-out
LUXAVO are proud authorised dealers of Control4

The CEPro Brand Analysis serves as an industry evaluation of the brands that are most important to the industry’s top 100 highest-revenue generating integrators. Data and insights are collected from survey responses submitted by the largest U.S.-based integrators of custom electronic systems, including audio, video, lighting, whole-house controls, security systems, motorized shades and other electronic devices across 58 categories.

For more information, or to receive a no obligation quotation for your Control4 custom designed smart home automation systems, contact the LUXAVO today.

Email: Tel:  +353 (0)1 9081202

Luxavo, Smarthome, Smarthomes, Smart Home, Smart Homes, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Building, Premium AV, Home Theatre, Home Automation, Integrated Control Systems, Home Security, Lighting, Lighting Control Systems, Smart Heating, Smart TV, Smart Audio, Philips, Philips dynalite, Smart wires, Smart wiring, Wi-Fi my home, Control your home, Home automation,  Lutron lighting, Cedia registered, Cedia approved, Assisted living technology, Future Homes cork, Future control, Control4, Crestron, Asset management, Collaborative Environments, Huddle Spaces, Room Scheduling, Industrial Lighting Management, NOC rooms, Oil & gas collaboration, Video conferencing , Audio conferring, Microsoft embedded controls, Campus asset scheduling, Youth learning centers, White boards, Financial Company collaboration rooms, Boardrooms, Further education presentation systems, Home scheduling or lighting and security, Cloud automation services, Leisure Center control systems, Sports, Marine Fit-out
Why have a smart home when you can have a LUXAVO Intelligent Home.


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